OCD: Psychotherapy vs. Control

General Description

The ocd-psyctr dataset is a meta-analytic research domain MARD on psychotherapy for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This MARD is part of the Metapsy project. The dataset contains study information and effect size data of trials that report the effect of psychotherapy on OCD symptoms.

This dataset includes psychotherapy vs. control (‘psy vs ctr’) comparisons. Effect sizes are provided for outcomes at post-test. The protocol describing the main meta-analytic project using the database can be accessed here.

The dataset follows the Metapsy data standard. All included information has been independently extracted two researchers. Risk of bias ratings were conducted using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool (Version 2).

Affiliated Institutions

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Online Meta-Analysis Tool

A simplified version of this database can be analyzed at metapsy.org/database/sad.


  • metapsyData Shorthand:
  • Number of Studies:
  • Latest Version:
  • Last updated:
  • Last search:
  • Search String (Latest Version):
  • Data Repository (Latest Version):
  • Preregistration (Research Domain):
  • License: ODC-By v1.0
  • Database DOI:

Variable Description

Study References

Database Flowchart

Studies in the ocd-psyctr dataset were extracted from the larger “psychological interventions for OCD” database. The study flow of this database can be found below.


. Database of OCD trials comparing psychological interventions with control conditions. Part of the Metapsy project (Version ). URL docs.metapsy.org/databases/ocd-psyctr. DOI .
