
Following the data preparation according to the Metapsy data standard, all files are collected in a Github repository. The standard folder structure can be seen below:

  • 💾 data.csv
  • 📄 license
  • 📁 metadata
    • 📄 authors.json
    • 📄 last_search.txt
    • 📄 number_studies.txt
    • 📄 search_string.txt
    • 📄 shorthand.txt
    • 📄 variable_description.json

All database repositories are hosted by the metapsy-project organization account. The repository name is also standardized: it is data-, followed by the shorthand of the database (e.g. data-depression-psyctr).

In the “About” section on the Github repository page, one can find a brief description of the database, as well as a link to the specific database documentation entry.

Once a repository has been created (or updated) this way, an official database release is published. This workflow is documented in the next section.