Depression: Psychotherapy vs. Control

Pim Cuijpers , Clara Miguel , Mathias Harrer , Constantin Yves Plessen , Marketa Ciharova , David Ebert , Eirini Karyotaki

General Description

The depression-psyctr dataset is part of the meta-analytic research domain (MARD) on psychotherapy for depression. This MARD is part of the Metapsy project. The dataset contains study information and effect size data of trials on psychotherapy for adult depression.

This dataset includes psychotherapy vs. control (psy vs ctr) comparisons. Effect sizes are provided for depression outcomes at post-test. It includes one type of effect size calculation per study, giving priority to means and standard deviations at post-test, followed by change scores, binary outcomes, and other statistics.

The dataset follows the Metapsy data standard. All included information has been independently extracted two researchers. Risk of bias ratings were conducted using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool (Version 1).

Affiliated Institutions

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Technical University Munich

Online Meta-Analysis Tool

A simplified version of this database can be analyzed at


  • metapsyData Shorthand: depression-psyctr
  • Number of Studies: 415
  • Latest Version: 22.0.2
  • Last updated: October 27, 2022
  • Last search: January 1, 2022
  • Search String (Latest Version):
  • Data Repository (Latest Version):
  • Preregistration (Research Domain):
  • License: ODC-By v1.0
  • Database DOI:

  • Version 22.0.2 (October 26, 2022):
  • Version 20.0.1 (October 26, 2022):

Variable Description

studyAuthor and year of publication
condition_arm1Type of treatment (cbt= cognitive behaviour therapy, bat= behavioural activation, pst= problem solving therapy, ipt= interpersonal psychotherapy, dyn= psychodynamic therapy, lrt= life review therapy, other psy= other type of psychotherapy)
condition_arm2Type of comparator (cau= care as usual, wl= waitlist, pha= pharmacological treatment, other ctr= other type of inactive control grou, sup= supportive counseling, other psy= other type of psychotherapy )
multi_arm1In multiarm trials, this variable provides a specification of the type of treatment used in the first arm. This variable is set to NA (missing) when the study was not a multiarm trial. For example, if a multiarm trial employed two types of CBT interventions, face-to-face and Internet-based, this variable would be set to f2f and Internet, respectively.
multi_arm2In multiarm trials, this variable provides a specification of the type of treatment used in the second arm. This variable is set to NA (missing) when the study was not a multiarm trial. For example, if a multiarm trial employed two types of control groups, waitlist and placebo, this variable would be set to wl and plac, respectively. Typically, multiarm trials employ two or more active treatments (e.g. CBT and problem-solving therapy), which are compared to the same control group (e.g. a waitlist). This means that values in multi_arm2 do not differ (e.g. they are always wl for this specific multiarm trial); nevertheless, the variable should be specified in the dataset.
outcome_typeThis variable encodes the type of outcome that builds the basis of the comparison, e.g. means and standard deviations (msd), change from baseline, response, remission, other statistics, etc.
instrumentThis variable describes the instrument through which the relevant outcome was measured.
timeThe measurement point at which the outcome was obtained (e.g. post or follow-up).
time_weeksThe measurement point at which the outcome was obtained, in weeks after randomization (set to NA if this information was not available).
ratingThis variable encodes if the measured outcome was self-reported ("self-report") or clinician-rated ("clinician").
mean_arm1Mean arm 1
mean_arm2Mean arm 2
sd_arm1Standard deviation arm 1
sd_arm2Standard deviation arm 2
n_arm1Number of participants arm 1
n_arm2Number of participants arm 2
mean_change_arm1Mean change from baseline arm 1
mean_change_arm2Mean change from baseline arm 2
sd_change_arm1Standard deviation for the change from baseline arm 1
sd_change_arm2Standard deviation for the change from baseline arm 2
n_change_arm1Number of participants arm 1 (change scores)
n_change_arm2Number of participants arm 2 (change scores)
event_arm1Number of events (responders, remission, deterioration cases) in the first trial arm
event_arm2Number of events (responders, remission, deterioration cases) in the second trial arm
totaln_arm1Total number of participants arm 1 (event data)
totaln_arm2Total number of participants arm 2 (event data)
precalc_gThe pre-calculated value of Hedges' g (small-sample bias corrected standardized mean difference; Hedges, 1981).
precalc_g_seStandard error of g
precalc_log_rrThe pre-calculated value of the log-risk ratio logeRR, comparing events in the first arm to events in the second arm.
precalc_log_rr_seThe standard error of the log-risk ratio logeRR, comparing events in the first arm to events in the second arm.
descr_arm1Detailed description of the arm 2
descr_arm2Detailed description of the arm 2
baseline_m_arm1Baseline mean arm 1
baseline_sd_arm1Baseline standard deviation arm 1
baseline_n_arm1Number of participants at baseline arm 1
baseline_m_arm2Baseline mean arm 2
baseline_sd_arm2Baseline standard deviation arm 2
baseline_n_arm2Number of participants at baseline arm 2
dichExact definition of the dichotomous outcome as provided in the publication: e.g."remission based on bdi-II<=8 and ham-d<=7"
dich_typeBroader categories of dichotomous outcomes: remission, response, etc.
yearYear of publication
comorbid_mentalAll the participants are recruited based on meeting criteria for a comorbid mental health disorder (e.g. anxiety and depression). Coded as y= yes, n= no
formatind= individual; grp= group; gsh= guided self-help; tel= telephone; cpl= couple therapy; oth= other (mixed formats); ush= unguided self-help
format_detailsIt includes more details about the format, when necessary
n_sessions_igAverage number of sessions received
countryus= USA; uk= United Kingdom; eu= Europe; can= Canada; au= australia; eas= east asia; oth= other
age_groupadul= adults, 5= older adults (≥55 years); old= older old adults (≥75 years)
mean_ageAverage age
percent_women% of women at baseline
recruitmentcom= community; clin= clinical; oth= other
diagnosismdd= major depression; mood= mood disorder; cut= cut-off score; sub= subclinical depression;chr= chronic depression
target_groupadul= adults, old= older adults, stud= student population, ppd= women with perinatal depression; med= comorbid medical disorder; oth= other
acAllocation concealment (0= high risk; 1= low risk)
sgSequence generation (0= high risk; 1= low risk)
baBlinding of assessors (0= high risk; 1= low risk; sr= self-report)
ittIntention-to-treat analyses (0= high risk; 1= low risk)
robOverall risk of bias score. ranging from 0 (high risk) to 4 (low risk)
no.armsNumber of arms with the same measurement instrument within a study
is.multiarm0= no, 1= yes
primaryOne primary outcome per study, based on a predefined hierarchy: HAM-D, BDI (I or II), another clinician-rated instrument, another self-report instrument, with priority for: PHQ-9, CES-D, HADS, GDS, EPDS, MMPI
.idmetapsyTools generated variable: Unique identifier for a trial arm comparison/row.
.gmetapsyTools generated variable: Calculated effect size (Hedges' g).
.g_semetapsyTools generated variable: Standard error of Hedges' g.
.log_rrmetapsyTools generated variable: Calculated effect size (logeRR).
.log_rr_semetapsyTools generated variable: Standard error of logeRR.
.event_arm1metapsyTools generated variable: Number of events (responders, remission, deterioration cases) in the first trial arm.
.event_arm2metapsyTools generated variable: Number of events (responders, remission, deterioration cases) in the second trial arm.
.totaln_arm1metapsyTools generated variable: Total sample size in the first trial arm.
.totaln_arm2metapsyTools generated variable: Total sample size in the second trial arm.

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Database Flowchart

Studies in the depression-psyctr dataset were extracted from the larger “depression psychotherapy” database. The study flow of this database can be found below.

(n=30889)Records identified through database searches (n=126)Records identified through other sources (n=21563)Records after duplicate removal (n=21563)Records screened (n=17979)Records excluded (n=3584)Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n=2775)Full-text excluded (n=809)Studies included in database (n=415)Studies included in dataset
  • Companion papers: n=818
  • Depression is not an inclusion criterion: n=484
  • Dissertations: n=21
  • Effect sizes cannot be estimated: n=92
  • Maintenenance trial: n=138
  • No control condition: n=68
  • No psychotherapy for depression: n=291
  • No random assignment: n=79
  • Not available: n=67
  • Other: n=243
  • Other language: n=22
  • Protocol paper: n=335
  • Stepped care/management program: n=48
  • Studies with chidlren/adolescents: n=69

Further Information

  • The full protocol of the METAPSY project
  • Definitions of types of psychotherapies that are included in the Metapsy depression domain
  • A paper summarizing main results of the Metapsy depression domain
  • A meta-analysis based on the inpatients database
  • Published meta-analyses using the database
  • Published 'individual participant data' meta-analyses, based on the database


Pim Cuijpers , Clara Miguel , Mathias Harrer , Constantin Yves Plessen , Marketa Ciharova , David Ebert , Eirini Karyotaki (2022) . Database of depression psychotherapy trials with control conditions. Part of the Metapsy project (Version 22.0.2 ). URL DOI .
