
This page provides documentation entries for all databases included in Metapsy.
Naming Conventions
Entries are ordered alphabetically by indication. An additional specification is provided after a colon if datasets focus on a specific comparison or other subset.
Each released database has an associated Github repository in which the latest and all previous versions of the database are stored. The repository also contains a folder called metadata
, in which additional information is provided for each release.
Digital Object Identifier
Each released database is automatically indexed using Zenodo. In the documentation entries, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is provided, which will always resolve to the latest database version (see “Database DOI”). In the “Browse all versions” section, you can access previous versions of the databases. These previous versions are also provided with a unique DOI in case you want to reference a specific database version in the past.
As part of the metadata, each database is also provided with a shorthand. This shorthand is used, e.g. in metapsyData
to retrieve a specific database using R.