Gambling: Psychological Interventions vs. Control

General Description

The gambling-psyctr dataset is a meta-analytic research domain MARD) which is part of the Metapsy project. The dataset contains study information and effect size data of randomized trials on psychological interventions for problem gambling and gambling disorder. The date of the last search update is provided here. A published meta-analysis using part of the data from this database can be accessed here.

This dataset includes psychological interventions (CBT, motivational interventions, personalized feedback, etc) vs. control comparisons. Effect sizes are provided for three types of gambling-related outcomes (“gambling_outcome”) at post-test and at follow-up: 1) Gambling disorder severity (measured using a variety of measures with some reliability and validity support, including the gambling subscale of the Addiction Severity Index, Gambling Symptom Assessment Scale, the Problem Gambling Severity Index, etc.), 2) Gambling frequency (e.g., number of times gambled), and 3) Gambling intensity (e.g., money spent on gambling), and 4) Gambling duration (e.g., number of hours gambled). Additionally, this dataset also includes data on other outcomes such as anxiety, depression, quality of life, and substance use (“outcome_domain”).

The dataset follows the Metapsy data standard.

The gambling-psyctr database is a continuation of the earlier gambling-cbt database included in Metapsy. To retrieve versions of the gambling-cbt dataset using metapsyData, please use the new shorthand provided below, and specify the exact version to be downloaded (up to 23.0.5).

Affiliated Institutions

University of Memphis

Online Meta-Analysis Tool

A simplified version of this database can be analyzed at


  • metapsyData Shorthand:
  • Number of Studies:
  • Latest Version:
  • Last updated:
  • Last search:
  • Search String (Latest Version):
  • Data Repository (Latest Version):
  • Preregistration (Research Domain):
  • License: ODC-By v1.0
  • Database DOI:

Variable Description

Study References

Database Flowchart

Studies in the gambling-cbt dataset were extracted from the larger “problem gambling” database. The study flow of the database can be found below.

Further Information

  • A meta-analysis based on the problem gambling database


. Database of psychological interventions for problem gambling and gambling disorder trials with control conditions. Part of the Metapsy project (Version ). URL DOI .
